Costa slams food giants
Popular garden show host Costa Georgiadis in the Yandina community garden which is full of herbs and vegies.
Greek TV gardening host Costa Georgiadis opened both barrels on giant corporations around the world while urging Aussies to get back to basics by growing food in their own backyards.
The host of SBS TV’s Costa’s Gardening Odyssey said some of the same companies behind food processes that were making Aussies’ sick were selling drugs to make them better.
“Our food production is under assault,” the bearded permaculture enthusiast told a packed forum at the Queensland Garden Expo at Nambour.
“This is a sickness-producing industry.”
Mr Georgiadis said eating food was the most intimate thing humans did every day, yet very few of us actually thought about where the food had come from, how it was treated, how it had been trans
ported and how long it had been in storage.
He said large companies were spending big on “genetic manipulation”, as well as buying seed banks to limit the variety of foods that were served up to Australians.
Many of the foods that we ate no longer had enough nutrients because of the processes they had been through.
Mr Georgiadis also took aim at the mining giants, saying they were boring into the Great Artesian Basin with little regard for the impact of Australia’s water supply.
It was time Australians stood up for farmers as well as the rights of people to grow their own food.
“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance,” he said.
The only way to overcome the supermarket duopoly in Australia was if enough people bypassed the system and grew their own food.
“When enough of us step sideways of this process the whole process falls over.”
He said the Queensland floods had shown how dependent we had become on others for our food with big queues to get fast food.
“There is no resilience. We have put all our cookies into one jar.”
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