Here you will Find Topics such as Organic Gardening, Biodynamics, Whole Earth Gardening, Artisan Sourdough Bread making, Cooking from Scratch, Candle making, Soap Making, Beekeeping, Simple Living, Stockpiling, Energy Saving, Living Frugally and lovingly sharing with like minded people.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Qld Not so Sunny

Here in S.E. Qld, Australia we are have a huge weather event, it has been pouring nearly all night and all of today too.  The weather forecast is for us to possibly receive between 200-400 mm of rain within the next 48 hours.
Bucketing down with rain, our very soggy garden, looking down to our Orchard, hopefully they wont drown.

Have a super day Shirley :)


  1. Good luck, its looking severe up there....

  2. I hope you're not too soggy Shirley. It looks like you're in for a wet week or two in Qld.
